Saturday, November 22, 2008

High Frequency Training For Fat Loss

High Frequency Training For Fat Loss

By Mike Mahler

HFT is my favorite style of training for strength, muscle building, and fat loss.

No need to add any cardio at all to the program.

Focus on doing the strength training workouts well and you will be all set. Do not add more training to the mix. More cardio will not make the program work better and will screw up you’re hormone levels.

Start with four workouts per week as indicated in the beginner program.

After a month, go to the intermediate program and train five times per week.

Finally, in month three go to the advanced program and train six times per week.

Whenever, you are stressed or need more days off, go back down to four days per week. You can even mix and match the training. One week, workout four times per week and another week workout five times etc.

Every time you work out and avoid over training you get a GH surge and an increase in Testosterone. Thus it is important to workout as frequently as possible to maximize fat loss and muscle building. If you feel like having sex after a workout, you are doing great. If you are wiped out and beat up, you are working too hard and need to scale back. Reduce the sets to 1-2 for a while if necessary. Make sure you sleep well every night and have a solid diet and supplement plan.

Beginner :
Monday and Thursday

A-1: Double KB Clean and Press 3x6
A-2: Double Ballistic KB Bent-over Row 3x6

Do A-1 and A-2 in antagonistic fashion. One set of A-1, then a one-minute break and then a set of A-2. Long-term goal is to work up to 3x12 on both exercises

B-1: Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge 3x8 l,r
B-2: Double Swing 3x8
Do B-1 and B-2 in antagonistic fashion. One set of B-1, then a one-minute break and then a set of B-2. Long-term goal is to work up to 3x12 on both exercises.

C-1: Power Wheel Roll Out 3x6
C-2: Slow and controlled Sit-up 3x10 (4 seconds up and down)
Do C-1 and C-2 in antagonistic fashion. One set of C-1, then a one-minute break and then a set of C-2.

Tuesday and Friday
A-1: Double Hang Clean and Military Press 3x6
A-2: Alternating KB Renegade Row 3x6 each side
Do A-1 and A-2 in antagonistic fashion. One set of A-1, then a one-minute break and then a set of A-2. Long-term goal is to work up to 3x12 on both exercises

B-1: Suitcase KB Squat 3x10
B-2: Double KB Clean 3x10
Do B-1 and B-2 in antagonistic fashion. One set of B-1, then a one-minute break and then a set of B-2. Long-term goal is to work up to 3x12 on both exercises

C-1: Side Bend 3x8 l,r (left and right)
C-2: Double Overhead Walk 3 rounds
Do C-1 and C-2 in antagonistic fashion. One set of C-1, then a one-minute break and then a set of C-2.

1-2 mile walks