Train Like An Athlete To Lose Belly Fat
If you want to lose belly fat this year, then you need to forget about long, slow cardio workouts and use a new way to burn fat. One of the best ways to lose belly fat is to start training like an athlete.
Here's the best way to do your fat burning athlete workouts to lose fat in a short amount of time - without a gym membership.
In 2009, you'll see more and more trainers and fitness magazines showing people how to exercise like a power athlete to burn fat (using methods like bodyweight exercises and interval training).
The emphasis will be on training to improve your performance, and by doing that you'll improve your physique. On the other hand, only "dinosaur trainers" will continue to rely on non-athletic, ineffective ways to burn fat and lose belly fat such as long, slow cardio.
However, there is a right way and a wrong way to train like an athlete for fat loss. It's sad to see poorly educated trainers having their clients jumping on concrete or doing athletic exercises in the wrong order that could lead to injury. When doing a "Fat Burning Athlete Workout", your program must follow a specific order.
You must start with a total body warm-up with bodyweight exercises, such as bodyweight squats, total body ab exercises, single-leg movements, and bodyweight pushing and pulling. You'll even use dynamic mobility exercises like high knees, butt kicks, and dynamic stretching to prepare your muscles for athletic fat loss.
Here is a Beginner Fat Loss Workout For You
Then the real workout begins with power exercises, such as sprints, jumping, or agility techniques. You might even use kettlebells or medicine balls in these short, burst power exercises. You'll do this after a thorough bodyweight preparation phase, but before you get tired from resistance training (and never do your power exercises after training if you want to improve your athletic performance).
After training to increase speed and athletic power, an athlete's fat loss program will move to resistance training to help build and sculpt muscle and add strength for even more power performance in the future.
But you won't spend a lot of time here, just the basics. This is not a bodybuilding, high-volume, isolation exercise type workout. This isn't the time or place for that. Your fat burning athlete's resistance exercises will be squats, presses, pulls, and single-leg movements.
You can use bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells, or kettlebells to get stronger and sculpt your muscles. Most workouts will consist of supersets and low to moderate reps, but you might do some high-rep strength-endurance work with bodyweight circuits to finish off.
By now, the athlete's fat loss workout is almost over, and you'll finish with short sessions of interval training to burn fat and improve sport-specific and real world fitness.
Research shows you can boost aerobic and sprint performance with intervals, and really, who ever jogs for 45 minutes in the real world? We need sprint fitness to climb three flights of stairs and carry groceries, instead. And that's what you get from resistance workouts and interval training.
There's one more thing you must know. You need to set a goal of hitting one personal best in every fat burning athlete workout you do. For example, if you did 2 chin-ups in your last workout, your goal should be to hit 3 chin-ups in your next workout. Or you might set a goal of doing an extra 5 seconds in the plank or side plank exercise, or running an extra 3 seconds in each interval at the same speed.
You can find hundreds of different "personal bests" to hit in your program, but just focus on achieving one personal best each workout. That's all you need to consistently ensure you'll be burning fat over time. Each time you improve your performance, you'll start burning fat and sculpting your muscle better than last workout.
Working out like an athlete will give you the best looking, and best performing body that you've ever had!
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Craig's weight loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts help you lose fat without any equipment at all.
Train Like An Athlete To Lose Belly Fat
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