Monday, September 7, 2009
Turbulence Training And Kettlebell Training Extreme Cardio
I have some really exciting news today. It is as they say a match made in heaven. Turbulence training and Kettlebell training together. If you read my posts you know I am a big believer in both Interval training (turbulence training and kettlebell training.
But what happens when you combine this revolutionary piece of fat burning exercise equipment with the world’s most powerful and popular home workout fat loss system – Turbulence Training?
The answer is rapid fat loss at any age using the Turbulence Training and Kettlebell training Revolution Workouts.
You’ll be able to workout ANYTIME, ANYWHERE with the NEW Turbulence Training Kettlebell training Revolution Fat Loss System in your favorite location wearing your favorite clothes while listening to your favorite workout tunes…and you’ll still get better results than any machine could ever give you - GUARANTEED.
As you know, Turbulence Training has been used by thousands of men and women through Craig Ballantyne’s website and online videos, plus millions of men and women who have read about Craig’s programs in Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Women’s Health, Oxygen, and even Prevention magazine.
Well now Craig Ballantyne and Chris Lopez have brought them both together. So without further babbling from me I'll let Craig take it from here.( and check out the video of Chris and Craig at the bottom of the page)
Why a Turbulence Training Kettlebell Training Workout?
I got this question a lot last week, 53 times to be exact, but folks want to know...
"Why are you putting together a Turbulence Training and Kettlebell training workout program?"
And the answer is simple.
I just didn't like what was out there for my Turbulence Training members.
Every program seemed to be competing about how "hard-core" it couldbe...but I don't care how hard it is, I just want it to work and be appropriate for TT readers.
So all those other guys bragging about how their program will make"you sick" and "so sore you'll want to go to the hospital" can keep their programs.
Instead, I decided to certify the first Turbulence Trainer, Chris Lopez, and I went to him for Kettlebell Workouts because I know he has been using them for years with his clients.
So today, I want you to meet Chris Lopez, creator of the TurbulenceTraining Kettlebell Workout Revolution.
Check it out
=> Chris Lopez & the Kettlebell Workouts

And don't forget you'll be able to use his workouts in the 6th TT Transformation Contest that starts today!
Welcome to the Revolution,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Can you believe Chris is younger than me and...
...already has 4 kids with a 5th on the way (his first boy!).
Find out why Kettlebells are so great for busy folks like you and him:
=> http://kettlebellworkouts.com/meetchrislopez
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