I wanted you to know about a new product out for building your chest muscles. It's by Nick Nilsson and is called The Best Chest Exercises You Never Heard Of.
Nick is a very innovative guy when it comes to taking an old standard exercise putting a new twist on it making it more effective.
Check out the sample exercises at Nick's site and you will see what I mean.
So if there was just ONE bodypart that you really wanted to improve...one bodypart that ALWAYS ends up first in your training routine...what would it be?
I think chances are pretty good that it's your CHEST!
I mean, having that thick gladiator-like chest just screams power and strength (unless you're female, of course, then you want to work your chest for a whole different reason!).
So if you're in a chest training rut...gains on bench press have come to a screeching halt...or maybe you're just plain bored with your chest training right now...
I've got some EXCELLENT news for you!
And if you like insane, new exercises that will not only give your muscles a shock but ELECTRIFY your motivation to train hard again...I've got even BETTER news for you...
Nick Nilsson (a.k.a. the "Mad Scientist" of exercise) has just come out with a new book called "The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of."
I think the name says it all :)
Want to know more right now? Click here to check it out:
Building Your Chest Muscles
So here's the deal...
Right now, Nick's just released this book and is only charging $29.95 for the full 53-exercise book. This is just DIRT CHEAP for the sheer volume of innovative exercises you'll find in it. Exercise descriptions, pictures, even an entire VIDEO LIBARY that you'll have full access to so you know exactly how to perform every exercise.
If you've got access to free weight and bodyweight and a few basic pieces of equipment, you'll be able to use the VAST majority of these exercises.
And here's the cool thing...Nick has posted THREE sample exercises taken directly from the book right on his site for you read to and try out RIGHT NOW. No need to sign up for anything - just go the site and learn 'em.
I think he thinks once you've tried these samples, you'll be hooked...
Me? I think he's right...
Go check it out here:
Building Your Chest Muscles
P.S. When you get to the site and read through the sample exercises, you'll notice he's got a sign-up box where you can actually sign up to get ADDITIONAL exercises. Definitely sign up for this - he told me he's also going to be sending out even MORE sample exercises to the people who do.
Chest Training Workouts
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