Yesterday I told you about the Turbulence Training $1,000 transformation contest by Craig Ballantyne. Today I wanted to give you a sample of what Craig has in store for all the turbulence training members for 2010. It will be the year for permanently getting rid of that excess bodyfat.
That all being said here is what Craig has in store for his turbulence training members.
2010 is going to be a big year for you…partly because of the amazing 24 Turbulence Training fat burning and body sculpting programs coming your way.
These workouts - like TT Addiction and TT Adrenaline - are going to be so cool, so fun, and so effective that you’ll have your best year ever.
Two programs will be released each month - and the tentative schedule is below…
Sit back and check out my calendar for 2010…I’ve got a few trips planned I wanted to tell you about, but mostly I couldn’t wait to get you pumped up for these amazing workouts that are on the way…
And if you aren’t already a TT Member click the link
Now for all the cool stuff you’ll experience with me in 2010…
January 2010
We’re going to kick-off the New Year with a special audio program…I’m recording it this week, and it will be one of the most powerful motivation and inspirational fat burning audio programs you’ve ever heard.
To go along with the motivation, TT Members also have access to the January programs already. You can now download “TT 2K10″ and the “TT Beginner Total Torso Training” programs in the member’s area.

Then on January 15th, that’s the last day to enter the 7th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. That’s your chance to win up to $1000 just for losing your belly fat.
And right after that I’ll be in Tampa Bay, Florida for Joel Marion’s first ever Transformation Domination Live event. I’ll be leading a TT workout on the Saturday morning. See you there.
Speaking of Transformations, you’re going to get a bonus 3rd workout this month called “TT Transformation“. Based on the most popular programs used by our contest winners (including TT for Buff Dudes & Hot Chicks), this is going to be an instant classic.

Finally, to finish off a busy month, I hope to launch the TT-TV program. We’ve filmed a few really cool episodes, but we have so much going on they haven’t been edited yet…but soon, I promise.
Look out Miami, because I’ll be there for the Super Bowl and back again two weeks later…The Super Bowl weekend is going to be insane, and I’ll be filing workout and video reports from South Beach. Look for me on TV - you never know.
Then on February 14th, we’re going to celebrate Ballantyne’s Day with some type of crazy Turbulence Training promotion…I’ve got 6 weeks to come up with something good…
And then there are the TT Workouts of the Month:
1) TT Adrenaline
2) TT 15-minute KB Express
What’s TT Adrenaline all about? Well, it’s about skyrocketing your adrenaline of course, and that is just one hormone in the body that helps the fat burning process…you’re going to love Adrenaline.
I’ll star the month in Washington, D.C. - at my friend Yanik’s seminar - and finish the month with a quick work trip to Vegas (low-key, I’m sure). After all, I have to prepare for some big news happening in April…
But first, big workout news for March:
1) I hope we’ll release the first “follow along” Turbulence Training DVD workout set. We’re just finishing up filming the TT for Abs Follow Along programs, and it should be ready for you sometime in March. Hopefully earlier.
2) The first TT workout of the month will be the follow up to another TT classic, so look for the “The Big 6 Circuit” to help you burn fat with a fast circuit workout - featuring a new, explosive 6th component.
3) The TT Bootcamp 2K10 Program will feature all new NO-equipment bootcamp workouts and more tips to help personal trainers help more clients achieve maximum body transformations and fat burning.
So my big plans for April are to move to New York City for 3 months…I found a real good deal on a sublet in the Upper West Side so it will be a fun little adventure.
Maybe Bally the Dog can get a role on Broadway.
Again, I’ll be filing lots of video and workout reports from the Big Apple, plus researching what the gyms and fitness experts there have to offer…and of course, commuting out to Wachtung, New Jersey to train at The Renegade Gym with Jay Ferruggia.
And to add to the excitement, the 7th TT Transformation Contest will be finishing in mid-April, so we’ll be crowing a Men’s and Women’s Champion.
Nothing in the TT world is more rewarding than reading the essays that come in with your entries. I just want to thank you for all the effort you put into your Transformations - it’s really cool to see how hard you work and the powerful changes you go through. So thank YOU!
And to give back, you’ll be getting two awesome workouts in April:
1) TT Addiction (trust me, it’s healthier than it sounds)
2) TT Booty for Life 2K10
Well, for everyone in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ll all have Spring Fever and be ready to kick-off the “unofficial” start to the summer with big holiday weekends?
So will you be ready? I hope so, especially with all of the great workouts on the way…
Plus, the 8th TT Transformation Contest SHOULD be a go for May…unless something changes, we’ll keep rocking 3 contests per year…stay tuned for details.
I’m not sure how I’ll be rocking out my first Memorial Day Weekend in the USA, but I know you’ll be rocking these two workouts:
1) TT Hardcore 2K10 - The sequel to one of the top 3 most popular - if not THE most popular - TT workout of all time…can I top the original? I guess we’ll find out…
2) TT Bodyweight Cardio 3.o
Well, my little NYC adventure will be coming to an end, and hopefully I worked enough to create the TT Certification…that’s the plan…so keep kicking my butt to get this done.
I even had this cool logo made, so I better use it for something.
When I finally get back to Toronto, I’ll be heading to my good friend Vince Del Monte’s wedding…should be a great time…lots of fitness experts there celebrating, and I’m sure we’ll be filing some (embarrassing) wedding videos for everyone to enjoy. Congrats to Vince and Flavia, looking forward to your big day.
And don’t worry, you’ll be getting some good gifts in June as well:

1) TT Bodyweight Bodybuilding 2.0
2) TT Hybrid Trisets Fat Burning Workout
Well, I’m not sure if I’ll be doing much in July, just relaxing back in Canada and enjoying the finals of the World Cup. You’ll be getting…
1) TT for Runners
2) TT for Meatheads “Old School”
Wow, could these programs be any different? But both are in high-demand…so I know you’ll be looking forward to them.
I am officially out of ideas as to what I’m going to be doing for the rest of the year, so I’m just going to pump you up with the names of the coming workouts…For August, you’ll get…
1) TT 2K10 Abs
2) TT 3-Day Depletion Workouts
1) TT Gain Muscle Lose Fat 2K10
2) TT Female Bodyweight Bodysculpting 2K10
I might be taking a Secret Agent Trip this month, I’ll let you know - if I’m allowed - when I confirm…but the workouts should be:
1) The TT Bodyweight 500 2K10
2) DB Mass at Home 2K10
1) TT Yoga (I’ve been trying to do this for over 8 months…hopefully I get this one done by November…or sometime in 2K10)
2) TT Tempo Training
1) TT 15-Minute Express 2K10
2) TT Christmas Circuits (I have no idea what these will be, but it sounds cool, right?)
And that brings us back to planning for 2011…(I’ve already got 7 programs listed out for 2011).
Is there anything that you’d like to see this year or next?
Please let me know in the comments section below.
Looking forward to your best year ever in 2010,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Don’t forget…
…the Half Price TT sale ends this week.
Click Here to Get Turbulence Training for 50% off
You’ll also get the January TT member’s programs too!
And for those of you who like kettlebell training don't forget The Kettlebell Revolution where Kettlebell training and Turbulence Training meet.

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