Just a quick note to let you know that Craig ballantyne of Turbulence Training is starting his new $1,000 fat loss transformation contest. here is the email with the details Craig sent me. If you are not familiar with Turbulence Training click the link to go to my review.
Wondering how you're going to lose those holidays pounds?
Well, no need to wonder or be frustrated any longer.
I have the solution.
First, the 7th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest starts now
and you can win up to $1000 just by losing your belly fat.
Second, because I want to kick-off the 7th TT Contest with a huge
bang, I've decided to extend the $4.95 TT Member's trial offer for
the rest of this week.
You'll get access to the TT Member's forums and the NEW TT workouts
I've created for December and January, including:
- The TT 15-Minute Express Workouts
- TT 2K10 (new advanced program)
- TT Beginner Total Torso Training (will be added this Wednesday)
And you get ALL of that for LESS than the price of a fancy Starbucks
Now sure you could go back to a busy commercial gym and hire a
"fresh out of college" inexperienced personal trainer for $60 an
hour, but why bother when you can get personal advice from me,
social support from men and women all over the world, and 2 new
Turbulence Training workouts every month?
And you can try all of that for only $4.95 for 30 days.
Click here to try the TT Member's forums and NEW Turbulence Training
workouts - and possibly even win $1000 - with Turbulence Training:
=> http://www.turbulencetraining.com/ttmembers/
You can lose that 7-15 pounds you gained over the holidays fast with
Turbulence Training. In fact, some of the past contest winners have
lost over 33 pounds in just a few short weeks.
Plus, you can win up to $1000 in the Transformation Contest just for
losing your belly fat.
Click here to take advantage of this amazing fat loss offer:
=> http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com/ttmembers
That's all you have to do to get started losing fat today!
And post your personal workout and nutrition questions on the TT
forum and I will answer those for you within hours.
It's the perfect way to start your body transformation and kick-off
the New Year to make 2010 your best year ever!
To your success,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - Still not sure?
No worries, I understand your skepticism, so I want to remind you
that there is NO RISK to you when you give the TT Member's area a
After all, TT Members is guaranteed to help you lose fat (and if for
any reason you are not satisfied - or if your financial situation
changes - you can cancel at ANY time and no future payment will be
required). At TT Members we're here to support you, not stress you.
Click here to take advantage of this amazing, no-risk fat loss offer:
=> http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com/ttmembers
This is going to be your BEST YEAR EVER! You deserve it.
Here again is the link to my review of Turbulence Training
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